I have been away from my blog for far too long. Although, I promise I have a really good excuse. Well, not that good I suppose, but I have been busy, busy, busy. Making art, art, art.
I will post oodles of pictures later today to show you all the work I've been up to since my last post....in November!!! (hides in shame)
In the mean time, I'll announce that my blog will soon be moving over to my
website...which is still under construction :) I've managed to get all my blog postings over to the new site, including pictures and comments. However, my galleries are still not up yet. The most important part of an artist's site is the galleries, right? and yet goofy me, left them till last.
Why am I not surprised :)
I'm still working out a way for my wee bunch of followers to not have to subscribe to a new blog roll, but at the moment I'm not sure if it's actually possible. If need be I may just continue posting in both places until a better solution presents itself.
Have a great day and please, check back later.