I must admit, I am at a bit of a stand still with my website redesign. While I like the banner design I've come up with I seem to be getting mixed messages from the people I've shown it to. While I have no problem taking criticism in regards to my art...the response I'm getting seems to be that it's not really my style. I'm thinking, "I drew it, how is it not me,"
LOL?? But then what do I know I'm just the artist?
hee hee hee. The majority of responses has been something along the lines of, "I love it, but it's not really your style," so I'm curious what the blogging world thinks.
I've seen a bunch of blogs do give-aways and hold contests so I thought...hey maybe I can do that too. Get a little feedback and also give away a little thank you at the same time. So I propose this...for the next few weeks I will keep this open and ask for feedback. At the end of that time, I will put all the names of those who have left comments into a bag and draw a name. The winner will get a freebie from me. It may be a Valentine or an an
ATC, it might even be an original piece of art...who knows? It will definitely be a surprise. Thank you for your help and here's my banner design:
I'd love comments, feedback, suggestions, whatever you can give me in the way of constructive criticism. Should I keep it, should I redesign it from scratch with something cutesy...hey if you have a completely new suggestion for me I am all ears :) Can't wait to hear your thoughts and thank you in advance.